How to Get Your Teen’s Sleep Back on Track
Summer is officially winding down, and if you have a teenager in the house, that means you’re probably thinking about them heading back to school. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic last year caused many kids and teens to switch to remote learning, which often contributed to later schedules. Then, of course, teens are notorious […]
5 Ways to Help Your Teen Cope with Trauma in a Pandemic
Coping with trauma is never easy, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only made it worse. If your teen has been struggling through the pandemic, you may feel helpless as a parent. How do you help your teenager cope when the pandemic is still going strong? What can you do to get through to your teen […]
Supporting Your Teen During the Pandemic
Navigating distance learning, dealing with separation from friends, and concern about world events are just some of the issues teens are dealing with right now. Adolescence can be challenging during normal times, but during the pandemic, being a teen is complicated. The National 4-H Council conducted a survey of 1,500 teens between the ages of […]
How to Help Your Teen Create a Summer Sleep Schedule
Summer months can bring a change in routine for many teens and their families. With the pandemic, this shift in schedule has lasted months. Many teens are going to bed later and sleeping later. With no reason to be up in the morning, teens are pushing their wake-up time late into the morning or to […]
Tips For Battling Teen Anxiety
Adolescence can be a difficult time for many, and anxious feelings and worries are common. Many teens have busy schedules, packed with extracurricular activities on top of hours of homework, social pressure, and family stress. Teen anxiety is at an all-time high. Some teens feel stress much more deeply and become overwhelmed by stressful situations. […]