Is It Social Anxiety or Am I Just an Introvert?

We often use the terms social anxiety and introversion as synonyms, as if they mean the same thing. Sure, some traits overlap between the two — shyness, nervousness in social situations, a desire to stay home — but they aren’t the same thing. And the pandemic has brought these issues to the forefront, with many […]

Social Anxiety and the Pandemic

It is normal to feel nervous in some social situations. Many people get butterflies before giving a presentation or before new people. But for people who have social anxiety, daily interactions can cause debilitating symptoms. Now that social distancing has limited all our social lives, how are those with social anxiety impacted?  Symptoms of Social […]

Coping with Health Anxiety During an Outbreak

With all the talk about the virus, it’s hard not to feel worried. In fact, it’s important to be cautious so we can help prevent the spread of COVID-19. But, if you are someone who deals with health anxiety, being cautious can lead to hypervigilance and obsession about illness, symptoms, and health. If you are […]

4 Tips for Managing Coronavirus Stress

Anxiety and stress about the coronavirus are already taking a toll on our mental health. Feelings of isolation, worry about finances and fears about the state of the world are at all all-time high. As things around us feel more uncertain, here are a few stress relief tips that can help you stay on top […]

Mind/Body Connection: How The Brain Affects Our Health

Most of us don’t pay much attention to the way our thoughts impact us on a daily basis. We go about our day and let our minds run, not even noticing what our mind is actually doing. Though, for many of us, the way our brain functions impacts how our body feels in a profound […]

Why People Don’t Meditate Even Though They Should

As a therapist who helps people with issues like anxiety and sleep, I want to focus on one of the most helpful things we can all do for ourselves: meditation. You already know all about the benefits of meditation. Yup, you’ve heard how meditation helps the brain, helps you relax, it provides stress relief and […]