The DC Metro Therapy Blog
At the start of every year, people make resolutions. Many set extreme goals and high expectations for themselves, wanting a major change to occur. The only problem? New Year’s resolutions don’t work for most people. Multiple studies have shown that the majority of people give up on their resolutions after
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions around the world. Thankfully, it’s also one of the most manageable. Mild anxiety can go away on its own, but chronic anxiety often requires a mental health professional to help you work through it. If you are experiencing anxiety, there
Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) is a relatively new treatment that is proving to be an effective way to change your relationship with pain. For those struggling with chronic pain or similar issues that reduce their quality of life, PRT can help the brain reprocess how it interprets and responds to
The holidays are just around the corner, and visions of spending time with family and friends are enough to make anyone look forward to this time of year. The time off work doesn’t hurt, either. But, for many people, the holidays can be a source of stress. They can often
Changing problematic behavior isn’t easy. Even if you have the best of intentions, you’re dedicated, and initially motivated, it’s still difficult to stick with a positive change to see it through. Why? The brain likes habits. It likes routine and familiarity. When you’ve been acting a certain way and living
Most people recognize PTSD as solely a mental health issue, and that is certainly the case. But, there is often a greater connection between PTSD and physical pain than many of us realize. The effects of trauma can manifest themselves in many ways, including physical symptoms in the body. Understanding
Dealing with trauma is different for everyone. Trauma symptoms can greatly impact your daily life and it can be hard to manage these intrusions. That’s why management techniques you can do on your own are important to learn and can make a big difference. Getting professional help for issues like
When you have chronic pain, every area of your life can feel like a struggle. It can limit what you do on a daily basis, and you might never know when a flare-up will occur. Now, more than ever, you might deal with daily pain due to stress and uncertainty.
Thousands of people in the U.S. had to deal with changes in the way they work every day. For many, that meant working remotely for well over a year. Now, some companies are encouraging their employees to return to work in person. But, with so much uncertainty still circulating, it’s