The DC Metro Therapy Blog

Incorporating mindful strategies can improve chronic pain and insomnia Mindfulness is defined as paying attention to the current moment. It’s a state of observing one’s own thoughts and feelings without passing judgment on them. To help visualize this, picture yourself as a mountain, sitting tall and wide. Clouds passing through

While some night owls may learn to work with the sleep schedule they’re predisposed to, others might find it difficult to function in the daytime. It’s important to note that some adults are short sleepers who naturally feel refreshed the day before even after sleeping less than 6 hours. But for many

Long COVID or long-haul COVID is a condition marked by long-term repercussions that persist or develop after the normal COVID-19 convalescence phase. This has become an epidemic in and of itself, with millions of Americans suffering from worsening symptoms daily. According to Pennsylvania State research, more than half of COVID-19

What is the difference and what you can do about them Most people tend to assume that any “bad dream” is a nightmare. It’s a little bit more complicated. Stress dreams and nightmares are both the result of an excessive degree of stress. They both manifest based on negative emotions

Breaking down the relationship between negative feelings and chronic pain Many people suffering from invisible illnesses are initially misdiagnosed as having depression. Although this is concerning, it is understandable given the symptoms of these chronic illnesses overlap with conditions often associated with depression. Depression and anxiety have been reported to

If you feel like you’re not getting enough sleep or not sleeping as deeply as you’d like to, it might be time to reconsider your sleep habits. If you are having trouble falling or staying asleep, your thoughts and behaviors around sleep can certainly contribute to insomnia. Learning about good

If you’ve been online recently, you’ve seen a new wave of positive thinking. It doesn’t sound too bad, right? But there is a point where being continuously told to put a positive spin on all your experiences can become toxic. A person telling you to just “think positive” and “change

Most people don’t typically associate personality traits with pain.  However, the two go hand-in-hand more than you might realize, especially when you’re dealing with chronic pain. While personality traits aren’t always predictors of pain, certain ones may trigger the “fight-or-flight” response in your brain more heavily than others.  That results

Anxiety is the most common mental health issue in the world, yet it can impact everyone differently. For some, however, anxiety can often feel like it’s “in control,” causing your life to spiral and making you live in constant worry or fear. It can lead to chronic pain, insomnia, or