The DC Metro Therapy Blog

When anxiety is a part of your everyday life, it’s easy to live with it and try to ignore its impact. With high-functioning anxiety, you still fulfill your responsibilities, get through the day, and even exceed your goals. Though you’re coping with your anxiety, it’s still adding stress and may

As humans, it is easy to remember experiences that scare us. Our brains are built to search for threats and warn us about potential danger. When our bodies feel fear, the amygdala is the part of the brain that is responsible for alerting us to any potential threats. Research shows

Almost 50% of adults report occasional sleep problems and 1 in 10 experiences ongoing, chronic insomnia that can sometimes last for years (1). Insomnia can develop for a variety of reasons. The good news is, with the support of an insomnia therapist, you can learn techniques to get a better night’s

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that is characterized by problems falling and staying asleep, as well as getting good quality sleep. As many as 3 in 10 Americans suffer from insomnia. Of these, 28% state that insomnia disrupts their normal routines and affects the quality of their daily lives. — Additionally,

EMDR therapy is a technique that was developed to help people recover after trauma. By usingeye movements or other bilateral stimulation (or back-and-forth movements), while thinkingabout something distressing, our experience of the trauma shifts. EMDR therapy is now widelyused and is an evidence-based treatment for PTSD and other conditions. Research

Incorporating mindful strategies can improve chronic pain and insomnia Mindfulness is defined as paying attention to the current moment. It’s a state of observing one’s own thoughts and feelings without passing judgment on them. To help visualize this, picture yourself as a mountain, sitting tall and wide. Clouds passing through

While some night owls may learn to work with the sleep schedule they’re predisposed to, others might find it difficult to function in the daytime. It’s important to note that some adults are short sleepers who naturally feel refreshed the day before even after sleeping less than 6 hours. But for many

Long COVID or long-haul COVID is a condition marked by long-term repercussions that persist or develop after the normal COVID-19 convalescence phase. This has become an epidemic in and of itself, with millions of Americans suffering from worsening symptoms daily. According to Pennsylvania State research, more than half of COVID-19

What is the difference and what you can do about them Most people tend to assume that any “bad dream” is a nightmare. It’s a little bit more complicated. Stress dreams and nightmares are both the result of an excessive degree of stress. They both manifest based on negative emotions