The DC Metro Therapy Blog

When the COVID-19 first began, many of us had to alter our day-to-day lives. While you may have previously gone out with friends, worked in an office space, and traveled on crowded trains or buses, all of that changed last year. At first, it was hard to adjust to a

When people think of mental illness, therapy often comes to mind. This association makes sense — if you have mental health issues, therapy can be an effective treatment. But what happens when you’re struggling with mental health problems, but question whether or not therapy will work? What if you put

It’s never easy to cope with trauma. Many people struggle with feelings of guilt, shame, fear, or panic when they think about their trauma, and it can be incredibly debilitating. There are various ways to work through and treat trauma, and research shows that many types of therapy are effective

When you think of trauma, a few things may come to mind. You may think of specific events that can cause trauma, such as an assault or the death of a loved one. You may also think of the symptoms associated with trauma, such as anxiety, depression, or physical symptoms.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began earlier this year, many are suffering with mental health problems. Depression and anxiety are at an all-time high, but what about those who have PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)? If you suffer from PTSD, then you know that everyday triggers can be debilitating. Triggers are hard

Anxiety is a common mental illness and it can feel isolating to those affected by it. If you experience anxiety, you know how much it can alter your day-to-day life. Seemingly simple tasks or interactions leave you feeling worried and upset. You may avoid certain situations or places because of

Coping with trauma is never easy, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only made it worse. If your teen has been struggling through the pandemic, you may feel helpless as a parent. How do you help your teenager cope when the pandemic is still going strong? What can you do to

We often use the terms social anxiety and introversion as synonyms, as if they mean the same thing. Sure, some traits overlap between the two — shyness, nervousness in social situations, a desire to stay home — but they aren’t the same thing. And the pandemic has brought these issues

Trauma can severely impact the way we function in our daily lives. Even the simplest of tasks can be interrupted by intrusive, negative, and traumatic thoughts. Survivors of trauma know first-hand just how debilitating it can be. There are various ways to cope with trauma, but Eye Movement Desensitization and